Sept. 3, 2003 Free Software Licensing in Context Outline
A mechanical hound, which is
definately not the unofficial mascott of the GPL Compliance Lab.

I. Ancient history
A. History of copyright
1. Privilege du Roi and Statute of Anne
2. Jefferson's position
3. US Constitution
4. Moral rights
5. Copyright term extensions
6. Modern Anglo-American Copyright
7. Berne Convention
B. Patents
1. Scope of patents
2. Goals of the patent system
3. Software patents considered harmful
C. History of software, copyrights, and patents
1. Free Software Definition
2. Free Software movement
3. Sharing proprietary software
II. Motivations of Free Software
A. Spread knowledge
1. Spreading knowledge: GNU C Complier
2. Spreading knowledge: Self-sufficiency
B. Build community
1. Building community: RMS's "Software Sharing Commune"
2. An international community
C. Increase freedom
1. Free Software is popular because of its freedom
2. It's not just quality
3. Users need freedom
a. Proprietary software hurts
b. Many users don't value freedom
III. Practice of Free Software Licensing
A. Non-copyleft licenses
B. The GPL and the LGPL
1. GPL: Preamble
2. GPL: Magic
3. GPL: Source distribution
4. LGPL: Examples of software libraries
5. LGPL: Linking
6. LGPL: Reasoning
C. Copyleft licenses accomplish the goals of Free Software
1. Spread knowledge
2. Build community
3. Increase freedom
D. GPL Enforcement
1. Enforcement procedures
E. GPL version 3
1. Even virus writers know ...
F. Open questions
IV. Parallel Movements
A. Open scientific publishing and archiving
B. National Security and the Crypto Wars
1. Good crypto is open crypto
C. Cultural preservation
1. BBC's new online policy
2. Digitizing Tibetan books and film
D. Biotech and drug patents
1. Brazil and AIDS drugs
2. Convergent strategies in software and biotech patents
Open issues

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